
Changing the size of your stomach can save your life

Changing the size of your stomach can save your life

Changing the size of your stomach can save your life Dr. Green

Good news! Healthy eating is an issue that has an impact on more people right now. The problem is that we are more focus on the type of food and not so much on the quantity or quality of the calories intake.

An unhealthy calories intake can make you gain extra pounds, and when someone is overweight, eating healthier, controlling or changing their diet is a big challenge. However simple it may seem, even more, if this implies count calories, carbohydrates o proteins in each meal.

However, making all this effort is very necessary and could save someone’s life because being overweight or have obesity is when other delicate health complications appear.

Changing your eating habits impact your health. Now, imagine that you could change your diet and reach your normal weight by changing the size of your stomach.

When you choose the bariatric surgery, this is possible.

Your stomach is not the only thing reduced

Surgeries to lose weight reduce the size of the stomach, so the patient feels satisfied with less food. The capacity of the stomach decreases by 80%, approximately. The patient eats less, have a smaller calories intake, and then lose weight. 

Currently, this is the only option that effectively treats morbid obesity in people who have already tried other methods such as exercise or medication without success. Other great benefits of these surgeries are the control or fading of comorbidities and the improvement of the quality of life.

This type of surgeries has proven to work in people with obesity or morbid obesity. In those cases, they have serious health problems or even their life is in danger.

It´s a fact that after successful bariatric surgery, patients see a marked improvement or total regulation of their blood glucose and blood pressure. A reduction or elimination of sleep apnea also is generated; as well as a considerable decrease in cholesterol levels, and the workload of your heart when doing physical activities.

It´s important to note that all these benefits of weight loss surgeries are not instantaneous. The patient must make a real and permanent change in their life habits, and follow the instructions to achieve results and be healthy in an integral way.

6 benefits of surgeries to lose weight

  1. Total control of diabetes or even overcome it (restrictions apply according to your case).
  2. You will be able to rest better during the night because your sleep apnea will be reduced.
  3. Your knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists will move better, and the pain in these joints will decrease.
  4. With the loss of weight and fat, the risk of tumors in the stomach, colon, intestines, and liver is also lower.
  5. When you reach your weight, your kidneys and heart will be less overloaded and work normally.
  6. The amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood also will decrease considerably.

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